inspiredness TM

Copyright 2013

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Winter in Spring


Sometimes these days–these spring days full of chirping birds, warms winds, pollen flying, cool spring rains–they can seem like winter days. When the soul is overflowing with the busy-ness, the mind is racing with lists, the body only stops for a minute to remember to breathe…breathe! One tends to forget that God is still there, in the midst of the clutter & the full schedules. When you finally get a minute to sit down you feel like you should be doing something more productive! Did I forget to text/e-mail/phone someone? Have I updated my Facebook status (and does it really matter)? Did I put that load of laundry in the dryer? Have I had a drink of water today?

It should be more simple than this! Last days of school should be relished (for moms & for children)…those last moments with friends, those last moments of a {relatively} quiet house with only 2 children. Submerging hands into God’s earth, digging and planting His harvest should be a joy & a means of escape, not an obligation to make your garden the prettiest on the block.

Right now, our garden sits…signs of new buds emerging, weeds quickly overtaking the ground threatening to overtake the delicate new growth. I’m finding my soul to be the equivalent to those fragile buds & the busy-ness of our lives the proverbial weeds threatening to choke out the promise of new life.

“make it your ambition to lead a quiet life” (1 Thessalonians 4:11)

My questions to you:

How do you manage your busy-ness?

How do you find balance?